Monday, 2 August 2010

Monday, 02 August 2010

I began working on Ian’s rig today. I checked the mesh again for consistency before continuing, so to avoid any future mistakes. The centre line of the mesh was slightly off, and I decide to stick to the mesh as is, rather than distorting the mesh further by bringing it into line. I also when working on the mesh figured out a way to use position constraints to add a local/world parent that can switch for the arms. Meaning the characters can hold onto things such as the table, while standing up, a problem I had with the first animation test where his arms would inherit the motion of his body when trying to stand holding onto the table.

Looking back so far it may have been wiser to do one mesh, then rig, then another mesh and so on, to learn where the mistakes were in the modelling and adapt as necessary. I have not had many problems with Ian as yet, except for the out of line symmetry problem, yet I think this may become more apparent when skinning.

I reused the scripts from the previous George rig with some little tweaks, such as the cup action of the hand a different percentage, so the finger cant tear into the hand, and wrote my own script for the inherit local/world. It was a very basic float , but it’s a start.

Anyhow I will wire the fingers tomorrow, finish the rig and begin skinning.

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