Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Thursday, 14 October 2010

I pretty much have finished for the night and therefore here’s a update. To be honest I struggled quiet a bit working on the texturing to the environment. It just didn’t seem to gell well, and looks to blocky. I just felt rather under confident creating this scene. In the end the outside is only ever seen in two shots , the start and end, and I hope witha decent lighting set up it will stand out as a recently rained on, dark cloudy dismal setting. In the end I cant spend as much time as I would like on the mesh adding other details when I really need to get on to actually animating. Anyway the textures are all 1024 to 2048 textures depending on proximity to the camera, and use a normal, colour, gloss and spec map for each. I am slightly behind, I had hoped to finish the exterior today, but it looks like I will be working on it in the morning also. Just the doors and windows of the actual factory to work on. Not to much, but want to work on them when I am not so tired.
Anyway I took a few renders to check it out from various angles. I think over the weekend I will create a cloud setup where I will use 3 or 4 layers of clouds with opacity, to add real depth to the scene above. I tried to keep the scene very desaturated to look like a dark storm overhead.

Anyhow, here’s the renders (the two other factories on the block are called "disinterested clothing" and "spiritless inc".)

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