Sunday, 17 October 2010

Sunday, 17 October 2010

I finished the lighting for the scenes today and the cloud cover. I used 3 layers of clouds so I can animate some layers slowly moving for the end and start shot. I was tempted to also add a light source projecting a map of the cloud cover for added realism to add cloud shadow. However cloud shadow tends to occur when it’s not to cloudy, and a dark cloud blocks the sun, where as very cloudy days the sun cant penetrate to far anyway therefore the shadows and light tends to be rather blurred and soft. I believe a similar thing occurs with the florescent lighting. Although I used mental ray Omnis for all the lighting, there is enough interior lighting to produce similar results as florescent lighting, with the fairly soft shadows.

Anyways here some renders. I am quiet happy with it so far and this may be the final lighting and texture setup except for lighting the characters.

Above is a screen of the cloud and sky setup, using sphere with a gradient ramp behind with three layers of dismal clouds.

Going to have an early night, and work on my learning agreement and rework the storyboard given the cuts that have occurred during the Animatic. Then map out the plant interior for modelling latter in this week.

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