Sunday, 16 May 2010

Sunday, 16 May 2010 (little latter)

One thing I noticed I had put in the biography was that Ian takes his shoes and socks of at work, where as the concept and model has shoes on, a mistake in continuity between the bio and the concept, however since its never featured in the Animatic I see no reason to go back and edit his feet to have bare feet rather than shoes. Perhaps since its early in the day he just has not had time to take them off! Of course if it was a feature of the film I would redo it but its really nothing to worry about.

Here's another render

Anyhow for the “making of” video I am looking for some royalty free “Bob Dylan” style music, folk etc. Ian’s favourite music. After a long search on Jamendo I found a piece of music by Robin Grey, a Folk piece with a hint of Ian’s personality in the lyrics. “think I will go back inside, got me no place else to go”. I am just editing the video so should be up in a few days. Also need to update the website, will probably leave it after I am back from work placement.

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