Wednesday, 27 January 2010


Finished the main body of George, will work on some smaller details tomorrow before uv mapping it and texturing Friday afternoon to Saturday. Currently on schedule with him so quite happy. Note his centre of gravity is off since he uses a walking stick.

Also decided to make his eyes, and while I was at it made the other characters to. In order of appearance from left to right, you have at the top Ian’s Elms eye, with a blue to grey pupil (all the top row are the Elmies, the bottom the human counter parts) the next is George, with a dark brown pupil with a hint of grey coming in from the sides. Next is Darren, a vibrant hazel, and finally Audrey, with deep blue.

Update –
Sound room booked, all sorted!!! (thank you Sarah and Chris)
Also here’s a clay render of George. I will create the teeth and uvs tomorrow and work on the hair last of, using alphas. The skin shader I will use I can re use on the other characters (of course changing the actual textures).

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