Currently working on the next sequence 111. Where the Elmy flies across Darren’s face. Again this will be done in composition, and I therefore have created a object to replace the Elmies for now, so I can create the animation of Darren’s face in awe, disbelief, realisation, as he sees himself as the elm in reality.
Anyway I was a little confused on what expression he should exhibit. And decided a very slight eye opening and mouth drop would suit best, and show the slight realisation. Which I am currently working towards.
The last shot came out well with the Elmies flying of at the end, yet there may be some lighting issues that I will deal with in post. Currently it is set up with all the lights the same as the factory exterior, yet I dunno how this will look with the two different sized objects. This will become more of a problem with the next sequence, where the interior lighting is setup to light darn and the elms. And since its interior and cant rescale anything, it may not look right with the Elmies, since they will be about the same size as half the factory floor. Therefore the lighting will be completely different. I figure the best way to work on this is a still render from the sequences before rendering and compose them, and adjust the to suit.
Also I discovered yesterday I have far to many models in my scene for the factory. With background characters its way to much for the system to handle and crashes. A few way rounds this, such as animating a few at a time and composing them after. But I decided a quicker way is to animate just a few of the background characters, and hopefully the ones that are just as edit meshes wont be noticeable.